About the Library

The College Library is located in the College main building with good ventilation and space (306 sq. m). It has very good collections of standard text books of all disciplines written by well known authors in multiple copies, which are very useful for UG students.  Also, it has reference books for various competitive examinations, including books related to the English language. At present, the library has 13131 books, including agricultural textbooks, general text books, competitive books, JRF books, SC/ST book bank, and reference books. Also, the library has access to online journals, e-books, Agricat, India stat and CeRA, and Krishikosh (online thesis) through the University of Agricultural Sciences Library, UAS, Dharwad, Karnataka.

               The physical facilities in the library consist of reading tables, chairs, book shelves, almirahs, photocopy services, etc. Also, sixteen high quality CCTV cameras are installed for easy and effective monitoring. High speed internet (20 mbps) with 10 PCs and a well connected LAN is available to access the information. Radio Frequency Identification and Devision (RFID) technology is being implemented to provide good services to the end users of the library.

               Books are classified according to Dewey decimal classification (DDC) 23rd edition as information retrieval tools for easy identification. The library conducts a user orientation program for new users, especially for students who get admitted every year.

Library Staff

Sl No.NameDesignationMobile No.Email id
1.Dr.Chikkamanju  Asst. Librarian & Head9980998583chikkamanjumys@gmail.com chikkamanjur@uasd.in
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